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Recipe: 'Fried' (dehydrated) onion rings

We found this recipe in a raw food website and thought we would try it. It definitely needs improving. Perhaps the onions ought to be sautéed first…?

"Fried" Onion Rings
Preparation time: long; drying time: 14 hours


1 large sweet or spanish onion cut into thick rings and slightly cooked and dried

1st coating in a bowl

4 tbs. olive oil
2 tbs. water
Sea salt to taste

2nd coating in a separate bowl

1 cup ground golden flax seeds
1/2 cup ground unsoaked almonds (or 2 tbsp nutritional yeast)
1-2 tsp. paprika/could also try 1/4 cup soy sauce
Sea salt and pepper to season

How to: 

Take each onion ring, eliminate the outer slimey skin, dip it into the 2nd coating, then into the 1st coating and then back into the 2nd coating. Your goal is to get as much of the 2nd coating as possible. This will not work if you make them wet first. 

Once you have achieved that, gently take the the coated onion rings and put them on dehydrator trays (without teflex sheets) and dehydrate the rings for about 10-14 hrs at 40 degrees C or until crispy. Serve them with a tangy dipping sauce.

Tangy Dipping Sauce

1 cup macadamia nuts (soaked for 2-4 hrs)
1/2 cup pine nuts
1-2 tbs. lemon juice
2 tbs. soaked sun dried tomatoes
1/2 tsp. cayenne pepper
Sea salt to taste

Add everything in heavy duty food processor or a high speed blender and process or blend till smooth and creamy. Add a little water if needed. Scoop out the mixture into a bowl and garnish it with chopped cilantro and diced red bell pepper. Serve aside warm onion rings.

PS The rings on the dehydrator tray are ready for the dehydrator.
The taste after the dehydrating wasn't sensational...

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  1. Well! I made them....gave them all the time etc and Kim and I ate them all. My husband and my son didn't like them much. Hmmmmmmm.

    All that flax seed gets a bit in your way of chewing....I think that I'll need to change the coating. Maybe maize.....or raw bread crumbs, ground!!!


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