This is what I have dehydrated last night: orange, cinnamon apples, garlic courgettes and tomatoes!
After 3 days on 100% raw I felt great and brimming with energy!
Tonight though, we at dinner at our friends... I had chicken, cooked veggies and melon - now I feel bloated and heavy and even my shoulders ache. Strange...
Tonight though, we at dinner at our friends... I had chicken, cooked veggies and melon - now I feel bloated and heavy and even my shoulders ache. Strange...
i found your blog via my husbands blog list, so i apologies but i don't know how he knows you... probably just from being raw and lds?? i told my husband my stomach hurt in my shoulder the other day (before starting raw) and he thought i was nuts... i totally get that pain in my shoulder when i get bloated too... anyways, i'm new at being 100% raw and looking for fresh ideas other than raw burritos, salads and juices, not that they aren't great things but variety is always nice. i bought a dehydrator on amazon this last week, hasn't arrived but i hope it does soon... i can't wait to make a veggie burger i saw in a raw book... my guilty pleasure... take care!
Apologies for not noticing your post a long ago. I don't have a feature that alerts me of comments on my blog. Happy new year! I hope your dehydrator is helping you. I have two now (greedy woman!) and I love using them.