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Showing posts from 2012

Kale and apple smoothie

Good evening! I just wanted to share a really good recipe which is helping us to eat more greens effortlessly. Not many people would eat a kale salad, but guess what: a kale smoothie can be rather tasty. Just mix the following the blender, in this order: 1/2 lt fruit juice (apple juice works well) 3 leaves kale then add: 3 bananas Blend for 1 minute if you have a Vitamix, and for 3 for less powerful blenders. It's a rich, creamy drink that my children love. And it's packed with vitamins and proteins, with no added sugar. Yum!

"Eat to live" by Joel Fuhrman, M.D.

I have signed up for the Herbal Nutritionist course at the School of Natural Healing in Utah. One of the books I have to study as part of my curriculum is "Eat to live" by Joel Fuhrman, M.D. I'm only on page 140 but I can see all the myths about meat and dairies debunked. The discovery that even a humble Romain Lettuce leaf contains more proteins than steak has been the highlight of my day. Plus Joel Fuhrman quotes massive scale studies proving once and for all that if a person gets more than 10% of his calories from animal products, that person risks cancer, heart attacks and metabolic disease far more than other people. He suggests that we don't look at the media to learn about health. Guess who pays for those articles pushing us to buy animal products? My breakfast smoothie today had almonds, bananas, an entire lettuce, cinnamon, a pear and a few dates. It was full of vegetable proteins and it sustained me from 7 a.m. to 12:00. (With no low sugar headache...

Behavioral problem or dairy allergy?

Nowadays most children can't do anything "naughty" or they instantly get labelled with autism, asperger's etc which is connected, by the way, to a leaky gut syndrome. Sometimes just cutting off dairies the behaviour will return to normal and guess what, you don't need cow's milk for your bones, greens will give you calcium. Opps I shouldn't say that because of course there is a lot of money in the dairy industry. Have a look at what happened to a little boy when he had his dairies taken away. Guess what? His diagnosis of  Asperger’s Syndrome, Sensory Integration Dysfunction, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Anxiety Disorder and possibly Tourette’s Syndrome is no longer valid. He is now normal. Just how many children do we have who are suffering emotionally and could get better by cutting dairies? And what about wheat, gluten, corn and soy, the big four causes of problems? Read along.... T...

Fork over knives: why we've been brainwashed about our diet

Fork over knives: why we've been brainwashed about our diet Today we were stunned by this video produced by two medical doctors. Watch and prepare to be surprised! It is worth every minute of your time - we promise. There is a scientifically proven connection between an animal-based diet and cancer/metabolic disease. The host talked about Japan. Japan prostate cancer cases: 18 a year. USA  prostate cancer cases: 14.000 a year. What's the difference? Lack of meat and dairies in the Japanese diet. (They do eat fish) The same concept of the benefits of being careful with meat was clear when Hitler confiscated all the cows from the Norwegians (largely meat and dairy eaters) As soon as he confiscated them, their rates of cancer, diabetes, stroke etc dropped. When Hitler died….and they ate cows again, the disease went UP. And just WHO is sitting today on the board of the US government telling us what to eat and encoring wide use of animal products? Kraft,...

How to become a Family Herbalist

I must say that this course has changed my life. My family and I have not been to the doctor since I completed it last year.  Today I found a great movie where two medical doctors prove Dr. Christopher right: animal products are the main cause of modern disease. Can I dispute with statistics… .? Fork over knives - vegan is best, really

How the packaging of corn flakes makes you assume that you're saving money

In Back to Basics I explore the techniques used to make consumer think that they are getting value for  money. What we are getting is container that are just the same size as usual, although their inner content has been shrinking for years. Not sure I can prove it? Pick up you breakfast cereal box. Which box of cereals is cheaper? The big one or the small one? They are both priced £ 1.65 per box, and they are both 26 pence per 100 grams. You would think that the big one must be cheaper. More product, same price. Right? Wrong. Have a think....and now look below. Here is typical box of corn flakes. Now, let's see what's inside it. Oops, it's not quite full. Now we take the contents off, and there is a bag, 2/3 full of corn flakes. Next, we empty that bag into the carton box and we draw a line to mark just how much of the box is filled by the flakes.  Then we cut off the extra carton and we remodel the box to fit the amount of food inside it, ...

Recipe: Raw date syrup, a natural sweetener

Raw  date syrup serves 2 cups / approx. 280 calories per 1 cup serv. approx. macronutrient breakdown: fat 0g / carbs 76g / protein 2g Ingredients  10 Medjool dates, pitted (or 20 normal dates, pitted) 1- 3/4 cup water 1 tbsp fresh lemon juice Method Place all ingredients in a blender and process for a few minutes until smooth and completely blended. Start off slowing to allow the dates to break up initially, and then build up the speed. Store in the refrigerator for up to 3 weeks. Franz's verdict: Guys, this recipe rocks. Of course it didn't last 3 weeks in the fridge. We ate it all in one day! I found this recipe it here: Apparently, it's well-known in Israel.