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New company offers fruit powders, matcha and health books - my review of PhytoFit

This is how things go in my household nowadays - I turn on my iMac, thinking that I really need to update my blogs, and instead I stumble upon an interesting blog written by somebody else, where a link catches my attention and leads me somewhere else….until I realise that two hours have passed and my blogs remained intact!

Which describes, by the way, exactly what happened yesterday evening. I was browsing a lovely blog named anywaytostayathome, and of course I checked all the links there. Among them there was mojomums, which was also rather intriguing, and once again, I checked their links.

I ended up checking a new website called Phyto-fit. Mmm. That sounded interesting. Phytos means plant in Greek, so I had to have a look. Immediately. And was I glad I went there!

First of all, their mission is inline with mine, "Our mission is a simple one. To become the largest Natural Health Based Solutions Company within the UK. Its so hard for consumers to know what is actually ‘healthy’ as there are so many conflicting opinions. Just try typing in ‘healthy diets’ into google and see what a minefield it is!"

I hear you! Second, their product line is exciting and healthy and can satisfy sophisticated and simple minds alike by providing freeze dried food powders of both so called 'normal' and super foods.

As a dehydrator enthusiast I've been drying up my foods and making powders for over four years, maybe five now, and I know how useful their are. When I am in a rush and I can't be bothered to run to the polytunnel to grab some kale, I use my powdered kale and save precious time.

As a nutritionist I know that  whole food powders, albeit a bit expensive, can really add a third dimension to quick and healthy nutrition for those who are on the go. I use powders in smoothies, cakes, ice-creams, sauces, soups…the list is endless.

So I had a thorough look at the entire site, checking all the links (only two were not working, which means they are work in progress as this is a new site), and clicking on every product I could find.

Fruit and vegetable powder bundle looks like the first thing you will want to check out! For £24,99 it offers a 75g bag of the following flavours: Strawberry, Banana, Super Greens & Carrot. -

Phyto fit also offers nutrition advice in the form of Health Guides books (not sure how many pages), offered also as a bundle or separately. Now, regarding those books, when I looked at the page there was no information about them, but after half an hour browsing the site I accidentally found another page with each book description.

However, when I returned to the main page I could no longer locate that page - but let me tell you it's there somewhere!

There are also a few Recipes, such as Apple, Cinnamon & Baobab Bites, so keep checking the site for new content coming up as they grow. You might ask, "Are you sure that we are meant to eat TREES?" 

Yes, I know, Baobab is not found in Tesco, but trust me, it's a nutritious plant!
If you watch this Ted Talk video to it, you will see what I mean.

Biologist Ameenah Gurib-Fakim, a Biodiversity scientist, introduces us to rare plant species from isolated islands and regions of Africa. The iconic baobab tree could in fact hold the key to the future of food. 

If you have no time to listen to the talk, read an excerpt here: 

'Now, if you open the fruit of the baobab, you'll see a white, floury pulp, which is very rich in nutrients and has got protein, more protein than in human milk. Yes, you heard right: more protein than in human milk. And this is one of the reasons why the nutrition companies of this world, they are looking for this fruit to provide what we know as reinforced food. The seeds give an oil, a very stable oil which is sought after by the cosmetic industry to give to produce body lotions, for example. Now, you can see now why the Africans consider it to be the tree of life. It's a complete plant, and in fact, the sheer size of these trees is hiding a massive potential, not only for the pharma, nutrition, and the cosmetic industry.'

Do you see what I mean? Phyto Fit has a remarkable selection of fruit and vegetable powders that are just dying to be tested by you, health nuts, busy mums, raw food gurus, young and old people interested in being healthy!

Just in case you wonder, I do not have any affiliate link with them, no financial interest, and I even sent them an email giving them some suggestions on what to add to their website. 

Have a great day!

What will you have for breakfast today?


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