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Why a blog on loving foods, art, and everything else?

Great things have small beginnings.

One day in 2010 I received an email from a UK bookstore and one of the featured advertisers was an Anglo-Italian airline pilot who recommends raw food and whose wife home-educated her perfectly healthy children.

The pilot's name was Fabrizio Poli and he described how his once cancer-ridden, overweight wife Silvia healed herself with a raw food diet from her problems. My own parents had passed away early after a battle with cancer. Many friends also had died from it. I was concerned.

Something clicked inside me and from that moment I was hooked!

After a lot of research using search engines and word of mouth I plunged the courage to try myself to eat more living foods to see what happened. To say it shortly, the better I ate, the better I felt.

This blog is my ongoing memoir of anything new I learn regarding foods and their intimate connection to our health.

It also covers my interests in life-long education, fitness, art, colouring books, and of course, cyborgs. Because, let's say it, I don't think about food until it's time to prepare lunch or dinner!

I have learned one thing regarding food. In the end, it matters not how much raw/living/healthy food we incorporate in our diet if this is making us utterly miserable.

And we can't push our views on others, either.

The best thing is probably to eat sensibly, while gradually adding what we know is better for us as we try new (tasty) recipes.

In the end, we might end up with an average-healthy diet, eating what most people eat, but increasing our healthy foods as our situation allows.

If your family members insist eating what you think isn't good, let them do it. Just offer some of the good stuff alongside - every day. Try new ways of offering the same things.

Smoothies and salads, soups and cakes made using root vegetables are useful shortcuts to introduce new foods to the most spoiled child or partner.

Eat what you want and let others  choose what they want from what you have bought. The stress of having lunchtime battles isn't worth the hassle. I have learned this from my Life Coaching course.

Eventually, it will be obvious who is feeling healthier and more energetic.  The same applies to exercise, fitness, work choices etc. Actions speak louder than words. Always!


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