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How to heal from Paronychia (bacterial nail infection) with herbs!

How a friend healed from Paronychia 

(bacterial nail infection) with herbs!

About a week ago I went to my local supermarket and I noticed that the till assistant had a sling on his bandaged middle finger. I am curious by nature, so I couldn't help asking him what happened to his finger.

Carl, that was his name, promptly showed me and my daughter his finger (after taking off bandage and sling of course).

To have an idea of what it looked like, have a look at Wikipedia:

It looks painful, doesn't it? He said that when he was watching a football on TV, he didn't realise that his nail-biting had gone a bit over the limit, and he had torn some flesh. His doctor was about to see him in two days, he reassured me, and he probably expected to be given antibiotics to treat the infection.

Not happy with what I saw, I suggested a few herbs that could help him earlier than his G.P. appointment. However, once I got home I couldn't take my mind off it and I researched the condition.

According to Wikipedia,
'When no pus is present warm soaks for acute paronychia is reasonable, even though there is a lack of evidence to support its use. Antibiotics such as clindamycin or cephalexin are also often used, the first being more effective in areas where MRSA is common. If there are signs of an abscess (the presence of pus) drainage is recommended.
Chronic paronychia is treated by avoiding whatever is causing it, and applying a topical antifungal and a topical steroid. In those who do not improve following these measures oral antifungals and steroids may be used  or the nail fold may be removed surgically.'

'There must be a better way,' I reasoned, 'let's have a look at my formulas!'

I quickly gathered a few spoons of Dr. Schulze's Intestinal Formula II, a few drops of Echinacea tincture, a glass full of Aloe vera and 2 drops of oregano oil. I will explain later on what these herbs/products are for, but just to get you started, the goal was to fight the infection, kill the bacteria and drain the pus.

I quickly drove back to the supermarket and surprised Carl with my little herbal pack. I suggested to soak his finger in the wet mix (made by mixing Aloe Vera juice with the powders) many times a day, and he should be much better within a week.

He thanked me and I went home, hoping that he wouldn't throw the whole thing in the bin and religiously head to his doctor for some proper medicines!

Yesterday I met Carl again at the supermarket. When he saw me, a large smile broke on his face. He came straight over and said, waving a perfectly healthy finger in the air, 'Thank you very much for your help! It worked!'

'What happened?' I asked, puzzled that he had already healed.

'Your product is fantastic!' he said. 'I put it on that evening and the day after everything had healed! When I went to the doctor, he said, 'I have nothing to give you, the infection is gone!' (There was pus also, and now the need of drainage or surgery had disappeared.)

I gave him a high five and went away with a huge smile on my face. 

This is what herbal medicine is for! I am so happy when I can help somebody in a small way.

Okay, you might be reading this because you or a loved one have a nasty infection on your nail, or finger, or somewhere on your skin (and the skin is not broken).

Perhaps you are looking for a remedy - you have just found it!

I will now tell you exactly what I used and how - feel free to add your own herbal knowledge to my contribution.

Let's go back to my list of ingredients, which sounds a bit like a witch's concotion:

Dr. Schulze's Intestinal Formula II
Echinacea tincture
Aloe Vera
Oregano oil.

The Intestinal formula has been chosen because of its power to draw impurities out of the bloodstream and thus heal things like an infection or an abscess. 

Echinacea tincture stimulates the immune system to act quickly and aggressively by releasing white cells.

Aloe Vera is a healing, soothing plant. 

Oregano oil is a most powerful antibacterial, antiviral essential oil to be used in tiny dosages as it wipes everything alive from the area (included the good bacteria) and it's known to kill MRSI, E-coli etc in seconds.

All I did was mix all the dry ingredients with the oregano oil and ask Carl to add Aloe vera to prepare a paste, and to coat his finger with it so that the paste could literally suck out the toxins.

Do you need a lot more details? If so, keep reading!

Dr. Schulze's Intestinal Formula II

I used it because this formula contains the three most powerful and effective absorbers and neutralizers known: clay, charcoal and pectin.These are the ingredients you need, and therefore you are free to look for them only.

Dr. Schulze writes this about his Intestinal Formula:

'Our Bentonite Clay will actually absorb up to 40 times its weight in intestinal fecal matter and waste. It also smothers and draws out all types of intestinal parasites. The Activated Willow Charcoal is the greatest absorbing agent for every toxin and poison known. It will absorb and render harmless over 3,000 known drug residues, pesticides, insecticides and just about every harmful chemical known. This is why it is the active ingredient in nearly every water filter made today. Apple Pectin draws numerous harmful substances out of your intestines, especially heavy metals like mercury and lead and carcinogenic radioactive materials.'

I have used this formula and combination a few years ago and it healed my tooth abscess overnight. (There was no oregano oil or Aloe Vera) I have a great testimony of it myself!

Echinacea tincture

Echinacea is a flower from the daisy family and if you are allergic to daisies, avoid taking Echinacea.

Either than that, Echinacea has been used for hundreds of years too boost the immune system and it's well known over here in the UK for it's cold/virus-fighting properties. We use it regularly in my family and it fights off every single cold within 48 hours, when mixed with Dr Christopher's AntiPlague formula - But this is another topic, right?

I buy Echinacea from Dr Vogel in my local supermarket. I stock 4 bottles all year round!

In the link above you will read many customer reviews (including mine). Echinacea can be swished in the mouth. Please be aware that as it is a tincture it contains ethanol. I boil some water and leave the tincture there for a while before taking it, to eliminate most of the ethanol.

As we use only a few drops, it is not an issue. It must taste bitter, and taste of Echinacea! Be careful to choose a good supplier and a pure product.

Aloe Vera

This succulent plant does not need much explanation as it has been used since B.C. to heal burns and to aid skin/digestive issues.

Oregano oil 

Oregano is an important culinary and medicinal herb that has been used in medicine and cooking for thousands of years - with a number of potential health benefits. It is a species of Origanum, belonging to the mint family (Lamiaceae).

Possible health benefits of Oregano: Antibacterial, Anti-inflammatory properties, protecting against cancer.

I personally suggest you don't take more than 1 drop (it is extremely hot) and you don't use it often. This is because this essential oil does not discriminate between good and bad bacteria/gut flora. 

Avoid dipping your fingers in it and touching your eyes or any sensitive part of your skin - it will burn like fire!

The way I achieve a good diluition is to pour water and 2 drops of oregano oil in a large bottle. All the water will smell and taste or oregano long after the contents are gone... but you might want to use it to wash your gums if you have a serious infection. It works fast!

If you have any more questions, just ask!







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