It's Christmas time and - not surprisingly - not a single snowflake has graced rural Norfolk. You know me - I had to do something about it, because I was itching to see a white mantel around me and my children building snowmen in the garden. As the weather has been fantastic, with blue skies and sunny days, I drew my very own winter scene, added snowmen, a robin and a Christmas star and uploaded the artwork onto my favourite Facebook colouring group ( Adultcoloringworldwide) Thankfully, some good souls have taken up he challenge and shared with me their interpretation of my artwork. As usual, I am delighted by the colour choice and how the whole things plays out. Mercedes Matè has captured the real essence of a white Christmas with Colorino crayons and Raffael pastels. I love how the blue skies blend in the green hills, gradually becoming white in some area only. A detailed, whimsical choice of colours and blending. Many thanks for your addition to my hall of fame! (You ...
Life-long learning, reading, writing, art, healthy living, real food, self-reliance; fitness; cyborgs.