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Recipe: raw pizza

Raw pizza

I found a good recipe in the online book "50 Quick and easy healthy delicious recipes" by the famed British raw food coach Karen Knowler. 

There are several versions of this recipe online and I paid for the download of this e-book, so please ensure copyright is protected.
On the net you will find zillions of similar recipes anyway.

Mushroom “Pizzas”

If you don’t have pre-prepared raw pizza bases laying around (and to
be honest, who does?!) this is a very quick way to get all of the taste
of a raw pizza in a smaller, just as tasty version.


Hand blender
OR Food processor

• As many large portabella mushrooms as required (ideally 1- 2 per person)
• 1 cup cashews
• 1 cup macadamia nuts
• Juice of 1 lemon (we found it too strong so we used 1 teaspoon only!)
• 1 clove garlic
• Pizza toppings of your choice – suggested toppings:
Tomato, fresh basil, black olives, chopped red bell pepper.


1. Wash and/or peel your mushrooms carefully, then de-stalk them. Place them upside
down on a plate.
2. Make your “cheese” by blending the nuts, lemon juice and garlic. You may wish to add
a little water as you blend if this is too chunky for you. (We added garlic)
3. Spread the cheese inside the mushroom where the stalk was before. This is your first
layer and needs to fill the cup.
4. Next, chop your toppings up in such a way that they will fit on top f the cheese layer
and look attractive. The idea is to cover the cheese completely with an array of
different colours, tastes and textures.
5. Serve on a bed of lettuce or other sliced greens and dress with lemon juice. Enjoy!

This is how we tweaked the recipe:

I placed my mushrooms on the dehydrator and I sprinkled a generous amount of garlic powder and oil on them. I started up the machine on high and then started to prepare the toppings. 

When all the veggies were cut, I sprinkled them with oil and garlic and put them in the dehydrator, too.

Then I prepared the cheese, which struggled in the blender so I added more water. In total, all the food has marinated in my Ezidri for almost 2 hours. You could also use a vegan cheese from a supermarket.

We liked this pizza when it was really warm - it is a good side dish though and 2 mushrooms won't fill you up.


• If you don’t like mushrooms you can still use the same basic idea but spread the toppings onto flax crackers, lettuce leaves or sprouted bread.

And here are the photos...sorry very bad quality, just using my mobile phone (Why is it that my decent camera always sits unused in its cupboard?)


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