As I have started studying Chinese characters in June 2016, I thought it would be nice to draw a Chinese dragon. I was born in the Year of the Dragon (so I'm supposed to be a winner, huh? Nope) and therefore I added the writing, Born in the Year of the Dragon on the left. I uploaded my grayscale drawing to Facebook and Karen Senerchia kindly used her time and talent to give life to my creature. I love it! Start green, almost fluorescent, coordinated with a blue-violet skin, and softened by a rich strawberry pink on chest and belly. If you are a member of Adult Colouring Worldwide you will see the original post here: Crayola colored pencils have been used for the colouring. Let me know if you have coloured a dragon, too! They are sure fun to tackle...
Life-long learning, reading, writing, art, healthy living, real food, self-reliance; fitness; cyborgs.