Shall we be able to sense brainwaves in the future? In my novel, The Strangers, two cyborgs named Naadir and Ashante are able to communicate with one another by using an EEG device which is implanted by their brains. With EEG, they have a virtual gate that can be kept ajar indefinitely so each can perceive a buzz of what the other is thinking, without being disturbed. When one of the cyborgs wants to communicate directly to the other, he pushes that virtual gate and full communication commences. I have always assumed that this was just my idea, simple science fiction. Mistake! As I can see in today's article from CNN, a basic device is already able to achieve a similar result, although for now restricted only to controlling a small flying drone. In this article, futurist Tiana Sinclair says that the drone she controls is a huge biosensor. She also believes that problems in our world can sometimes be fixed with the use of technology. One can only...
Life-long learning, reading, writing, art, healthy living, real food, self-reliance; fitness; cyborgs.