Home-made Powdered fruit smoothies Nowadays we are spoilt for choice when it comes to the so called healthy foods and their recent marriage to convenience foods. Browsing the net for fruit powders I found a delicious powder here: http://www.squires-shop.com/uk/product/sk-real-fruit-powder-strawberry?gclid=CP799pC0-8UCFSPItAodrSEAIg Sounds good huh? All the hard work is done for us. Health at your doorstep! Eating healthily is possible and cheap. Boy, was I wrong! This powder costs £10 X 100 g! Which means £100 - US$152 per kg!!!!! That's $69 USD per lb. This is how much we are asked to spend for a strawberry powder from an average company. (Some are cheaper, some a tad more expensive than the one above.) I wen into 'Back to Basics' mode and tried to make my own version. Here is the result. If you want to save ££$$ and make your own, go ahead, you deserve it! Ingredients: a blender jar full of your favourite fruit (no added water or...
Life-long learning, reading, writing, art, healthy living, real food, self-reliance; fitness; cyborgs. https://twitter.com/FranzSidney