Although I don't seem to have any free time to post, I am still trying new recipes with raw food, vegan delicacies etc. My journey into natural healing continues and I am learning new things every day. One simple truth is that I feel much better and much more energetic when I eat mostly those things that Mother Earth has created - with no processing. Sometimes people come to me and ask for one specific item that will make them feel better. Some think of a superfood or a formula or a new pill that might restore their failing health to its former glory. It would be nice to have such a product but in this moment in time it does not exist. So far I am not aware of any product which can revert overnight years of processed food, lack of exercise and toxin loading. Our body needs constant care and love just like our cars, computers and gardens do. However many excellent formulas Dr Christopher and Dr Schulze have created, none of them can work properly if we are daily polluting our...
Life-long learning, reading, writing, art, healthy living, real food, self-reliance; fitness; cyborgs.