Hello! One of my children's favourite treats is a fruit roll, or fruit leather. This is made by preparing any smoothie and then dehydrating it until it's a soft and pliable fruit roll. If by mistake you dehydrate it too much and it becomes too hard, don't worry! You have just made your first batch of fruit crisps - delicious! To make the fruit roll in the photographs, I made two smoothies: one with peaches and one with strawberries (fresh or canned is your choice, of course keeping in mind that fresh doesn't contain added sugar and it's probably yummier). When your smoothies are ready, pick up the teflon sheet of your dehydrator and spread a very, very thin layer of olive oil or coconut oil, using perhaps a silicon brush. Slowly pour one smoothie occupying only one area of the dehydrator tray (the centre or one half). Then pour the other smoothie, avoiding mixing the two. Now to have some fun use a fork or any tool that won't scratch the teflon sheets, and gentl...
Life-long learning, reading, writing, art, healthy living, real food, self-reliance; fitness; cyborgs. https://twitter.com/FranzSidney