Growing crops in a commercial size polytunnel I'm having great fun in my 12.5 mt long polytunnel. Not only I get to see my plants thrive in almost 39C during sunny days, but I fight some cute rabbits every day as they dig under the doors and destroy my cauliflower and boccoli plants! I'm not a professional gardener or photographer, but I hope you will enjoy my basic photos of plant life in the hottest spot of my garden. You will also see that we captured a baby rabbit who was guilty of untold damage and a then we released it (he was sooo cuddly!) But 2 weeks later, we caught him again and this time we released it in a park nearby (full of other rabbits, water etc) so he can eat plenty of produce - just not ours! A video is available on the bottom of this page. The first night we moved the strawberries outdoors, they were not protected, and the morning after the rabbits had eaten most of the plants - leaves and all! Needless to say, we rushed to build a ...