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Showing posts from April, 2016

Another version of Reginald - divided in zones

Marie Hazelwood has interpreted Reginald in a completely different way: she has divided everything in areas which define the parrot's body in large blocks. The palette is subdued and elegant. For the third time today I am struck by the endlessly choice we have to express ourselves. Well done, Marie! The link was here:

Reginald the parrot is a winner

I am totally in love with the palette chosen by Samantha. The detail is so crisp and the choice of yellow for the edges and some specs is spot on. And that lead on the left? It's literally glowing! I would have never thought about using those dark colours and the yellow. Which explains why I ruin all my drawings when I colour them! LOL

The pirate drawing!

I love how Marie has coloured my pirate. Such a cute choice of pastel colours. Who on earth said that pirates must wear just black and earth colours! This is great! Brava! I found this on the Colouring Heaven FB page:

Every person interprets my drawings in a different way. I love Reginald in a blue and yellow tux!

Well done Karen Lockie!

Art: Six new illustrations - it's Pirates time!

Six illustrations from my portfolio have been chosen by the art director of the magazine Colouring Heaven. Today they are available in all supermarkets, bookstores, WHSmith etc in the UK. I'm feeling good about this! Still working on more illustrations for my upcoming colouring book….