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Showing posts from June, 2012

Fork over knives: why we've been brainwashed about our diet

Fork over knives: why we've been brainwashed about our diet Today we were stunned by this video produced by two medical doctors. Watch and prepare to be surprised! It is worth every minute of your time - we promise. There is a scientifically proven connection between an animal-based diet and cancer/metabolic disease. The host talked about Japan. Japan prostate cancer cases: 18 a year. USA  prostate cancer cases: 14.000 a year. What's the difference? Lack of meat and dairies in the Japanese diet. (They do eat fish) The same concept of the benefits of being careful with meat was clear when Hitler confiscated all the cows from the Norwegians (largely meat and dairy eaters) As soon as he confiscated them, their rates of cancer, diabetes, stroke etc dropped. When Hitler died….and they ate cows again, the disease went UP. And just WHO is sitting today on the board of the US government telling us what to eat and encoring wide use of animal products? Kraft,...

How to become a Family Herbalist

I must say that this course has changed my life. My family and I have not been to the doctor since I completed it last year.  Today I found a great movie where two medical doctors prove Dr. Christopher right: animal products are the main cause of modern disease. Can I dispute with statistics… .? Fork over knives - vegan is best, really