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Showing posts from December, 2011

How to publish a book with Amazon Create Space

How do you self publish a book? I am asked this question quite often now, soI have decided to put my little experience in writing to help you out. Here is the link you want: I worked out lots of information after signing as much of the info only comes out after having a title etc and going through the whole process. For example the speed of the proof and the price are only found out in the very end of the order... So, let's go in order. To self publish a book you need to create an account with "Create space", which is the publishing arm of Amazon. Then you choose a title, you are given a free ISBN number, and you upload your own cover and your contents in pdf file. You can do this for free or you can you their (paid) services to create a cover and proof-read the book. You can also use their free templates (useful for margins, headers and page breaks). Usually people create the book in .doc and then upload it in .pd...